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Diamond Guide

The Wonderful World Of Diamonds

It can be a daunting prospect when shopping around for the once-in-a-lifetime luxury addition to your jewellery box. How do you know that you’re getting value for your hard-earned money? And how do you make sense of the various technical terms that jewellers use?

At Abelini, the answer is simple! Take a look at our diamond education page below, and we’ll use three generations of experience to break everything down into simple English in just a couple of minutes.

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Interesting Facts

58x Harder

Diamonds are the most complex materials on earth: 58 times harder than anything else in nature.

"Lucy" In The Sky

Fifty light-years away from the earth, this star is a ten billion-trillion-trillion carat diamond.

1 In 1,000,000

The average yield in most diamond mines is 1 part diamond to 1 million parts host rock.

The 4cs Of Diamonds

Diamond Clarity

Diamond Clarity

Clarity grades assess the number, size, relief, and position of inclusions and blemishes.

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Diamond Colour

Clarity grades assess the number, size, relief, and position of inclusions and blemishes.

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Diamond Clarity
Diamond cut


Cut (proportions, symmetry, and polish) is a measure of how a diamond’s facets interact with light.

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Diamond Carat Weight

Rarity means larger diamonds of the same quality are worth more per carat.

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Diamond Carat
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Diamond Shape

Clarity grades assess the number, size, relief, and position of inclusions and blemishes.

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Diamond Certificate

Clarity grades assess the number, size, relief, and position of inclusions and blemishes.

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Black Diamond

The Enigmatic Beauty Of Black Diamonds

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What are lab grown diamonds?

Human-made and around half the price - find out what lab diamonds are and whether it could be the right choice for your engagement ring.

Lab Grown Diamond Guide