
Jonathan & Charmaine

Sometimes,love is all about timing.Jonathan and Charmaine’s story is a testament to that.


A Friendship Rekindled

Their story began in 2017 when they first crossed paths as friends, but life—busy with university and careers—pulled them in different directions. Years passed, and it wasn’t until 2022 that destiny brought them back together, this time through a simple reconnection on social media. The spark between them, once faint, reignited instantly, and they knew they couldn’t let it fade again.

In early 2023, Jonathan realised that his life with Charmaine felt complete. They moved in together, settled into their cosy flat, and welcomed a Miniature Poodle named Mylo into their little family. Despite how fast things had progressed, Jonathan was certain—there was no one else in the world he’d rather spend forever with.


In early 2023, Jonathan realised that his life with Charmaine felt complete. They moved in together, settled into their cosy flat, and welcomed a Miniature Poodle named Mylo into their little family.

Despite how fast things had progressed, Jonathan was certain—there was no one else in the world he’d rather spend forever with.


Choosing Each Other

What made Jonathan and Charmaine’s connection truly special was not just the joy they shared but how deeply aligned they were in values, dreams, and how they treated one another. For Jonathan, it was Charmaine’s nurturing spirit and unwavering belief in him that made her stand out. She was there for him in moments of doubt, offering support when he needed it most. In her, he saw not just a partner, but someone who believed in him as fiercely as he did in her. It was in these moments of quiet strength and trust that Jonathan knew—this was a love worth holding onto forever.

The Proposal at The Shard

When Jonathan decided to propose, he knew it had to be special. The stage was set at the luxurious Shangri-La at The Shard in London, during a weekend meant to celebrate Jonathan’s birthday. While Charmaine was focused on making his birthday perfect, Jonathan was planning a surprise of his own. Behind the scenes, he coordinated with the restaurant to bring out a special dessert—one that would ask the most important question of their lives.

When the waiter arrived with the cake, Charmaine looked puzzled. "We didn’t order dessert," she said, glancing at Jonathan. But before she could question further, Jonathan stood up, the words on the cake catching her eye: “Will you marry me?”


Her eyes filled with tears as Jonathan dropped to one knee. And there, with the twinkling city below them, he asked her to be his wife. She said yes, through happy tears, and in that beautiful, breathless moment, Jonathan knew they had sealed their forever.


The Ring & Their Future

Jonathan had put great thought into the ring, knowing how much Charmaine loved oval-shaped jewelry. He chose an elegant oval diamond, a symbol of timelessness, much like their love. When he finally saw the ring Abelini designed, it took his breath away—he knew it was perfect, a reflection of Charmaine’s grace and beauty. “Charmaine is my diamond,” he said, with a smile. “I’ll always look after her.”

As they look toward their future, with a wedding set for May 3rd, 2025, their hearts are filled with excitement. They’re building a life based on love, trust, and shared dreams. The journey they began years ago as friends has transformed into something beautiful and everlasting—and this is only the beginning.

Advice for Other Couples

For Jonathan, designing the perfect ring means knowing what your partner loves but finding a way to surprise them with something even more beautiful than they imagined. It’s those thoughtful, personal touches that make moments unforgettable, and it’s those same touches that turn love into a lifetime.
